What is it?

From a millenary tradition, Yoga è una disciplina che ci coinvolge nella nostra totalità, il cui intento è quello di unire ed create harmony between body, energy and mind..

Yoga è prima di tutto ascoltoreceptivity to the tensions and fragmentations that accompany us every day and that in this gradual opening dissolve, allowing us to rediscover an inner space in which we are lulled by the rhythm of our breath.

We therefore allow the body in tune with the breath to remember its instinctual strength, flexibility and endurance, and the mind to regain its balance and quiet clarity.

I benefici dello yoga

Promotes your well-being and physical health

The yoga rende il corpo tonico ed elastico attraverso esercizi mirati nel pieno rispetto della sua naturale armonia.

Connects you with yourself

The yoga ti permette di metterti in contatto con le tue emozioni e risvegliare la tua forza, armonia ed equilibrio.

Creates relationship and connection with others

Condividendo le lezioni con altri studenti appassionati lo yoga ti invita a creare nuove amicizie e connessioni.

The power of breathing

The yoga ti invita a riscoprire il grande potere del respiro, capace di rinvigorire il corpo e calmare la mente!

A quiet mind

La pratica dello yoga è una meditazione in movimento che attraverso il corpo ti permette di quietare il flusso dei pensieri.


What kind of Yoga do you teach?

In almost 20 years I have practiced many styles of Yoga, focusing in particular on Vinyāsa which connects movement and breath in fluid sequences, because for me it is very close to dance. Today the style of Yoga that I teach is Vinyāsa Krama, which allows a gradual learning of positions and sequences, a style very similar to a dance.
But beyond the technical labels for me Yoga it is first and foremost listening, feeling and energy.
Each lesson is born from you students present in class, it adapts to your needs and your bodies, so that for you the Yoga class is a profound and harmonizing experience.

How should I dress for the class?

Wear comfortable clothes, if possible loose and soft, in natural fabric, so as to allow the skin to transpire and the body to feel comfortable. Bring a small towel with you if you want, and a blanket for the relaxation phase during the winter months.
We will practice barefoot, on an empty stomach (preferably at least 4 hours after the last main meal, to avoid nausea during the practice).

How does a Yoga class take place?

It starts with a moment of concentration together, to connect to our breath and body sensations. We then move on to movement sequences focused on āsanathe traditional positions of Yogain a slow and harmonious flow in connection with the breath..
Each lesson will include different sequences to stimulate some particular energy points and thus move and stretch the whole body..
Each lesson ends with a moment of final relaxation and meditation, to integrate the journey through the āsana into our awareness.
Depending on the class, prāṇāyāma exercises (breathing technique) or mantra meditations (formulas for concentration and mental flowering) can be integrated.

Are there any physical prerequisites?

No: Yoga è connection with our breath and harmonization with our body. Unlike other sports disciplines, in the practice of Yoga the main focus is to adapt the positions to the body of those who practice them, and do not force our bodies into unnatural positions. Inhabiting that sacred space in which we are present to the movement, we feel the work of the body but at the same time we can relax in it, the practice of Yoga finds its most regenerating expression.

The teacher

My name is Barbara, aka Lamia.

I am a dancer and a yoga teacher based in Palermo, specialized in Indian classical dance (Bhāratanāṭyam) and Indian Fusiondance. For more than 15 years I have taught and danced in over 20 countries around the world, sharing my passion for movement arts and accompanying hundreds of students towards the awakening of their own harmony and inner strength.

I believe that the arts of yoga e della danza abbiano il potere di trasformare le nostre vite dall’interno, aiutandoci a riconoscere la bellezza dentro e fuori di noi e ad esplorare la nostra innata saggezza del corpo.

I am happy and excited to share part of my dance journey with you!

Discover the other disciplines

Danza Indian Fusion

A dance style that blends elements of Eastern and Western dances, with an emphasis on the belly, the source of life and deep emotions.

Indian Classical Dance

The Bhāratanāṭyam dance is a thousand-year-old theater-dance from South India, a moving prayer and meditation that shares a deep connection with Yoga.