About dance and pregnancy (#1)

In the last few days on my Instagram profile (which I update daily I invite you to go and follow by clicking on this link) ho pubblicato alcuni video in cui I dance with my baby bump, now nicely big and round.
I have received many comments from all over the world on the beauty of dancing in such an important moment as pregnancy, yet at the same time I noticed that following the publication of these videos my account has lost a lot of followers!
I asked myself why and discussed with you the reasons that could have pushed these people to abandon the profile after seeing a pregnant and dancing body.

Thanks to your (many!) comments I had the opportunity to discuss with you, read your personal experiences and opinions on the topic, and receive medical opinions from experts in the sector who were interested in the matter.
I am a firm supporter of the motto "Knowledge is power", and the possibility of comparing myself with so many of you is a very important mutual enrichment for me because the more we compare ourselves, the more we have the opportunity to grow and read up on topics that are not easy to deal with or read commonly online!
Especially regarding pregnancy, I happened to read sites with conflicting opinions on similar topics, and in general I noticed a great deal of attention to the medicalisation of this experience (which however, in my opinion, it is important that it is always followed by a professional reference figure) but little or nothing about the possibility for the future mother to experience her body in this very different state in all its intensity, sensuality and strength.

So I would like, reeling off my train of thought, to share it here on the blog my experience as a pregnant woman and dancer and the relationship that, as the months pass, I am experiencing with dance.

First of all, I'll start from square one: why did so many people leave my profile after seeing my pregnant, dancing body?
In my opinion, and after discussion with many of you, I can sum it all up in one word: fear.
Pregnancy is certainly a very particular moment in common perception, a period in which the woman's body goes through sudden and important changes, in which great attention is paid to possible complications, risks, difficulties... And all this is normal and true!
I for one can confirm that experiencing the body during pregnancy (especially if it is the first time) is like to ride a roller coaster: you never know what to expect, and everything changes constantly leaving you stunned and with a thousand conflicting emotions!
But at the same time something that I learned very quickly is the possibility of rely on this inconstant and precious flow: to get on the inner "surfboard" and ride these waves, made of worries, hopes, anxieties, sweetness, fragility, strength...
The body and mind, in these nine magical months to say the least, can go through all possible emotions and states and experience an intensity so strong that it can be frightening. On the other hand, let's think about it: what is more strong and incredible than a female body that gives life? It could be comparable to a storm, or a hurricane... Natural phenomena that go beyond our ordinary understanding and in the face of which we can only marvel at the beauty and power of life.

So in some way I understand why many people need to "cage" the female body in certain mental grids, to reduce pregnancy and childbirth to a medical phenomenon, and to reject the pregnant body as expression of strength, beauty and sensuality…

Having said this, to conclude I would like to share with you a little tip for all pot-bellied mothers, derived from the reflection of these last hours.

Sento che il cambiamento più importante che ho attraversato durante questi ultimi mesi da danzatrice incinta è lo shift of attention from a goal-oriented mentality, the “performance paradigm”, to a process-oriented mentality: something that I tried to achieve even before the pregnancy but which I now feel has become central and important for my and my baby's health.

Pregnancy, as I am experiencing it, is a time for mothers to get in touch with your deep feelings and listen to your body: everything is sacred, if there are no medical complications and doctors haven't said otherwise there is no rule about what you should or shouldn't do, whether you need to rest or feel like dancing or whatever else you feel like doing Do!

It is a time for softness, kindness and delicate movements: I noticed that my body does not allow me to make sudden or sharp movements, rather it encourages me to breathe, slow down and all movements become rounded and softer.

Dancing can be safe during pregnancy and promote the health of both mother and baby, but always refer to your gynecologist/midwife because all bodies and all pregnancies are different! Recognizing and welcoming all differences is a very important step in this process which allows us, in nine magical months, to give life and be reborn in return.

I hope this message can help you!
Share it with moms and friends, so that it can reach as many people as possible.
We will continue with the next episode, until then a hug

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  1. Ciao Barbara, ti ho letto con piacere. Attualmente anche io in gravidanza. Quasi inizio 9 mese… Adoro il mio pancione, adoro danzare sapendo che la mia bambina senta tutto, compreso il mio benessere quando lo faccio. Ho cercato di vivere giorno per giorno, senza pensare a quello che sarà e non avendo avuto alcun problema il mio viaggio è stato semplice, permettendomibdi prendere solo il bello di questo periodo. L’unico “dispiacere” è aver dovuto rinunciare a viaggiare, ma quando nascerà la piccolina ricomincerò, anche se con altri ritmi e mete. C’è un tempo per tutto. Chi ha abbandonato il tuo profilo forse non riesce a comprendere, ma li capisco, la gravidanza è come una realtà ovattata, una specie di tempo sospeso, in cui devi stare.. e non puoi fuggire. Si è protagonisti di un universo nascente e ignoto. Un abbraccio.

    1. Ciao Enrichetta e grazie di cuore per la tua condivisione! Concordo in pieno, la gravidanza è un tempo sospeso, e contemporaneamente un viaggio anche se di tipo diverso, dentro di noi e dentro la magia di quello che accade attorno a noi. Si, ogni cosa con il suo tempo! Affidiamoci a questo universo nascente ed ignoto, che belle parole! Un caro abbraccio e tanti auguri per te e la tua piccolina 🙂 <3

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