Lamia Barbara is dancer, teacher and passionate researcher in the field of dance and yoga with over 15 years of teaching and performing in over 20 countries around the world.
Her training includes ballet, contemporary dance, theatre-dance, MENAHT (Middle-East, North-Africa, Hellenic, Turkish) dance and Indian classical dance, studying with numerous teachers and specializing, over the course of almost twenty years, in Indian theatre-dance Bhāratanāṭyam and in hybrid transcultural dance InFusion.
From 2007 she began her studies in yoga (hatha style), specializing in the practice of Vinyāsa Krama Yoga through study stays in India and continuous personal research.
Since 2012 she has dedicated herself to the study of Indian classical dance ( Bhāratanāṭyam) and obtains a bachelor's degree cum laude in Extra-European musical traditions with an Indological focus, curriculum dedicated to Indian dance-theatre, at the Vicenza Conservatory under the direction of her teacher Nuria Sala Grau.
In 2015 she was selected for the scholarship of the masterclass with Shobana Jeyasingh, held at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice, with whom she explores the hybridization of the languages of Indian and contemporary dance.
Since 2016 she has regularly undertaken study trips to India to deepen her study of this art form with great masters of Indian dance, theater and classical music (Praveen Kumar, Leela Samson, Kapil Sharma among others).
From 2018 she studies atIITA (International Institute of Tamil Arts), connected with the University of Chennai, following with maximum score the curriculum dedicated to Bhāratanāṭyam.
In 2018 she studied with master Manju Pattabhi Jois during the Teacher Training conducted by the Aybo school in Bologna, deepening her training on the first series of theAshtanga Vinyasa yoga.
In 2018 she was recognised as CID Unesco member (International Dance Council).
In 2019 she was recognised as a yoga teacher from YANI (Yoga Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti).
In 2020 she deepened his theatrical and expressive study through the intensive Navarasa Sadhana conducted by traditional theater-dance masters of Kutiyattam G. Venu and Kapila Venu.
From 2023, after the birth of her first son Riccardo, she's specialising in yoga for pregnancy and yoga-therapy for women.
From 2012 to 2015 she was the creator and artistic director of Tribalnatyam, the largest international transcultural dance festival fusion style of South Italy.
From 2022 she has been the founder and president of theAssociazione Culturale Casa Magò based in Palermo, with which she organizes classes, cultural and artistic events and seminars dedicated to the promotion, diffusion and transmission of practices for the search for harmony and individual and social well-being, with particular attention to the disciplines of classical Indian dance and of yoga.