Yoga and dance arts have the power to transform our lives from within, helping us awaken our innate harmony and explore our natural inner strength, well-being and balance.
My name is Barbara, aka Lamia.
I am a dancer and a yoga teacher based in Palermo, specialized in Indian classical dance (Bhāratanāṭyam) and Indian Fusiondance. For more than 15 years I have taught and danced in over 20 countries around the world, sharing my passion for movement arts and accompanying hundreds of students towards the awakening of their own harmony and inner strength.
I believe that the arts of yoga and of dance have the power to transform our lives from the inside, helping us recognise the beauty within and without and explore our innate body wisdom.
I am happy and excited to share part of my dance journey with you!
Transform your life:
start your journey in awakening the body and its innate wisdom today!
Indian Classical Dance
Danza Indian Fusion
Vinyāsa Yoga
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